co phan Dakrideng Company

co phan Dakrideng Company with short name is ĐăKRIDENG COMPANY, Ltd, foreign name is co phan Dakrideng Company, original name is Công ty cổ phần Đăkrideng, Operations over 20 years in Mining other minerals not classified in any other category. Director: Mr/Ms. Phạm Ngọc Khanh . Please contact us via address: Khối 8, Thị trấn Đăk tô, Dak To District, Kon Tum Province, Viet Nam. Phone:
Tax Code:
Address: Khối 8, Thị trấn Đăk tô, Dak To District, Kon Tum Province, Viet Nam
License ID: , date 01-08-2003
Date Active: 2004-01-01