Canh Dong Lua Dong Duong Travel Company Limited

Canh Dong Lua Dong Duong Travel Company Limited with short name is INDOCHINA RICEFIELD TRAVEL COMPANY LIMITED, foreign name is Canh Dong Lua Dong Duong Travel Company Limited, original name is Công Ty TNHH Du Lịch Cánh Đồng Lúa Đông Dương, Operations over 13 years in Travel agencies. Director: Mr/Ms. Nguyễn Nữ Xuân Trinh with many business activities. Please contact us via address: 160/22/11 Vườn Lài, Phường Tân Thành, Tan phu District, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.
Tax Code:
Address: 160/22/11 Vườn Lài, Phường Tân Thành, Tan phu District, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
License ID: , date 18-05-2011
Date Active: 2011-06-15

Economic Branch

  • Travel agencies
  • Agency, intermediary, auction
  • Other supporting services related to transport
  • Motor vehicle lease
  • Trade promotion
  • Education assistant services
  • Tour operation
  • Assistant services related to tour promotion and organization