co phan Thinh Phat Company

co phan Thinh Phat Company with short name is Cty CP Thinh Phat, foreign name is co phan Thinh Phat Company, original name is Công ty cổ phần Thịnh Phát, Operations over 19 years in Grinding and producing coarse flour. Director: Mr/Ms. Nguyễn Thiện Tuấn and managed by Mr/Ms Mr/Ms. Nguyễn Văn Quảng. Please contact us via address: Thôn Nhơn Tân, xã Đăk TaLey, Mang Yang District, Gia Lai Province, Viet Nam.
Tax Code:
Address: Thôn Nhơn Tân, xã Đăk TaLey, Mang Yang District, Gia Lai Province, Viet Nam
License ID: , date 03
Date Active: 2005-03-23