Nguyen Anh

Nguyen Anh, foreign name is Nguyen Anh, original name is Nguyễn Anh, Operations over 3 years in Wholesale of food products. Director: Mr/Ms. Nguyễn Anh with many business activities. Please contact us via address: 85 Trương Vĩnh Ký, Phường Tân Sơn Nhì, Quận Tân phú, TP Hồ Chí Minh., Phường Tân Sơn Nhì, Tan phu District, Viet Nam. Phone:
Tax Code:
Address: 85 Trương Vĩnh Ký, Phường Tân Sơn Nhì, Quận Tân phú, TP Hồ Chí Minh., Phường Tân Sơn Nhì, Tan phu District, , Viet Nam
Date Active: 2021-01-14

Economic Branch

  • Wholesale of food products
  • Wholesale of meat and meat products
  • Wholesale of aquatic products
  • Wholesale of vegetables and fruit
  • Wholesale of coffee
  • Wholesale of tea
  • Wholesale of sugar, dairy and dairy products, confectionery and products processed from grain, flour and starch
  • Wholesale of other food products
  • Retail of foodstuff in specialized stores
  • Retail of meat and made-up meat products in specialized stores
  • Retail of aquatic products in specialized stores
  • Retail of vegetables and fruits in specialized stores
  • Retail of sugar, dairy and dairy products, confectionary and products processed from grain, flour, starch in specialized stores
  • Retail of other foodstuffs in specialized stores
  • Retail of beverages in specialized stores
  • Retail of cigarettes, rustic tobacco in specialized stores
  • Retail of engine fuel in specialized stores
  • Internal waters' produce exploitation
  • Exploiting brackish waters produce
  • Exploiting fresh water produce
  • Growing marine produce
  • Growing internal waters' produce
  • Mining crude oil
  • Mining natural gas
  • Mining iron ores
  • Mining uranium ore and thorium ore
  • Processing and preserving aquaculture products and products derived from aquaculture produce
  • Growing brackish waters produce
  • Growing fresh water produce
  • Producing aquaculture seedlings
  • Mining and gathering hard coal
  • Mining and gathering soft coal
  • Processing and canning aquaculture products
  • Processing and preserving refrigerated aquaculture products
  • Processing and preserving dry aquaculture products
  • Processing and preserving fish sauce
  • Processing and preserving aquaculture products and other products derived from aquaculture