Tran Chanh Chieu Market Management

Tran Chanh Chieu Market Management with short name is Ban Quản lý chợ Trần Chánh Chiếu, foreign name is Tran Chanh Chieu Market Management, original name is Ban Quản Lý Chợ Trần Chánh Chiếu, Operations over 26 years in The Communist Party, Civil society, General State administration and general economy. Director: Mr/Ms. Cao Xuân Dỵ . Please contact us via address: 01 Phú Giáo, Phường 14, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. Phone:
Tax Code:
Address: 01 Phú Giáo, Phường 14, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Date Active: 1998-01-01