Logistics Global Express TM & DV Joint Stock Company

Logistics Global Express TM & DV Joint Stock Company with short name is Tcnv., JSC, foreign name is Logistics Global Express TM & DV Joint Stock Company, original name is Công Ty Cổ Phần TM & DV Chuyển Phát Nhanh Toàn Cầu Logistics, Operations over 4 years in Delivery service. Director: Mr/Ms. Phạm Văn Vượng with many business activities. Please contact us via address: Số 39 Dịch vụ 4, khu đô thị Mộ Lao, Phường Mộ Lao, Ha Dong District, Ha Noi City, Viet Nam.
Tax Code:
Address: Số 39 Dịch vụ 4, khu đô thị Mộ Lao, Phường Mộ Lao, Ha Dong District, Ha Noi City, Viet Nam
Date Active: 2020-03-12

Economic Branch

  • Delivery service
  • Passenger road transport in urban and suburban areas (excluding bus transport)
  • Passenger transport by subway
  • Passenger transport by taxi
  • Passenger transport by three-wheeled taxis, pedicabs drawn by a bicycle or motorbikes, motorcycles
  • Passenger transport by bicycles, cyclos and other rudimentary vehicles
  • Other passenger transport
  • Other passenger road transport by local or inter-provincial buses
  • Other uncategorized passenger road transport
  • Cargo road transport
  • Cargo transport by specialized cars
  • Cargo transport by other cars (excluding specialized cars)
  • Cargo transport by three-wheel taxis, pedicabs drawn by bicycles or motorbike, ball-bearing handcarts
  • Cargo transport by rudimentary cars
  • Cargo transport by other means of road transport
  • Pipeline conduit [transport]
  • Inland waterway transport of passengers
  • Inland waterway transport of passengers by mechanical means
  • Inland waterway transport of passengers by rudimental means
  • Inland waterway transport of cargo
  • Inland waterway transport of cargo by mechanical means
  • Inland waterway transport of cargo by rudimentary means
  • Passenger air transport
  • Cargo air transport
  • Goods loading
  • Goods loading at rail stations
  • Goods loading on roads
  • Goods loading at seaports
  • Goods loading at river-ports
  • Goods loading at airports
  • Other supporting services related to transport
  • Agent services for seagoing vessels
  • Agent services for sea transport
  • Other uncategorized support services related to transport
  • Postal service
  • Motor vehicle lease
  • Automobile lease
  • Other motor vehicle leasing
  • Leasing sport, recreation equipment
  • Leasing video tapes, discs
  • Lease of other personal and household tools