DA"Nang cao nang luc Truong CB TW tien toi thanh lap thuoc Hoi LHPNVN" Women Institute Women

DA"Nang cao nang luc Truong CB TW tien toi thanh lap thuoc Hoi LHPNVN" Women Institute Women with short name is NPT/VNM/011, foreign name is DA"Nang cao nang luc Truong CB TW tien toi thanh lap thuoc Hoi LHPNVN" Women Institute Women, original name is DA"Nâng cao năng lực Trường CB phụ nữ TW tiến tới thành lập Học Viện phụ nữ thuộc Hội LHPNVN", Operations over 20 years in The Communist Party, Civil society, State administration, National defence and security; Compulsory social security. Director: Mr/Ms. Nguyễn Phương Minh . Please contact us via address: 39 Hàng Chuối, Hai Ba Trung District, Ha Noi City, Viet Nam. Phone: , Fax: (+84)9719885
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Address: 39 Hàng Chuối, Hai Ba Trung District, Ha Noi City, Viet Nam
Date Active: 2004-10-19